Chargers are designed to power a various DC devices with different types of batteries for water plants, power stations and similar.

Charger at the same time charge the batteries at IUU characteristic and power consumers.

On front panel there is a large alpha-numeric display with backlight which present different parameters and signs on Serbian language (English optionaly).

On display value of supply voltage (single or three phase) are presented, battery voltage, battery charge current, load current, charge mode, the status of the rectifier.

While the mains is present in acceptable limits device is charging and battery and power the consumers. In case of failure or mains voltage is out of limits consumers continue to be powered by batteries without a break in the power supply. On display there is a inscription "BATTERY POWERED" and occurs audible signals every 30 sec. When the battery is discharged to loweste level, output to consumers turns off - to prevent damage to the battery.


 The device has the protection of:

    - Transformers overheating.

    - Energetic part overheating.

    - High current to consumers or battery.

    - Battery overcharge.

    - Reverse polarity of battery-connectors.

    - Deep battery discharge..

The device is made in different versions on request:

     - For voltages (nominal): 24V / 48V / 110V / 220V

     - Single phase or three phase

     - For maximum current 100A

     - All types of batteries and different capacities

Battery chargers – rectifiers has the ability to set the following parameters:

     - The mode of charging (Automatic, Recharging, Charging, Deep cycle)

     - Recharging voltage (maintenance) in automatic mode

     - Charging voltage in automatic mode

     - Current threshold on which the charger from Charging mode goes to   Recharging mode (automatic mode - Recharging)

    - Current threshold on which the charger from Recharging mode goes to Charging mode (automatic mode - Charging)

     - Maximum current for battery in Charging mode (which is common to all modes)

     - Adjust the charging voltage for mode DEEP CYCLE

The unit has a remote signaling for alarm:

     - Mains failure.

     - Low battery.

     - Overloading and overheating.


     - RS485, optional LAN.

At the battery connection there is:

     - DC soft start to eliminate the occurrence of spark or electric arc

     - Protection against reverse polarity - display shows the label and there is a sound signal.

     - Dual protection system from deep battery discharge or overcharge..

Easy operation and connection, once your settings are stored permanently


We are at your disposal for any questions!!!

Address:  Džona Kenedija 11,
Phone:  +381 11 3413 442
Email:  office@mmelektrolab.com
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